Hello Friends & Pet Parents,
Crawley Dog Walkers would like to offer free dog walks to anyone in the Crawley area who is considered 'high risk' in the wake of the coronavirus outbreak. The government have decided that people over the age of 70 should self isolate wherever possible and we understand that this will be difficult.
I have availability to offer free 15 minute dog walks ( a walk around the neighbourhood) Monday to Friday 14:30 - 16:00.
I will be running this free dog walk service for the next month as a way to give back to my community during this difficult time.
Dogs can be put in a garden or enclosed internal porch 5 mins before the allocated walk time with their collar / harness & lead on so we can get to them without entering the house / putting anyone at risk.
The dog will be returned 15 minutes later and left in the same spot (garden or enclosed porch) for the owner to collect.
Of course as always we will adhere to the highest levels of hygiene and will be regularly washing our hands / sanitising.
If anyone knows of someone who would benefit from this please let them know to contact me: