

Hello Friends & Pet Parents,

One of the things that I love about dog walking as a profession is that we get to have a positive impact on so many  peoples lives. We help keep animals happy and healthy and we also give our pet parents some peace of mind.

I can say hand on my heart that there is NOTHING better then seeing a happy, relaxed dog enjoying their walk, sniffing different smells and listening to far off noises in the distance, getting back to nature and being allowed to use their primal instincts and senses.

I thought today that I would take some time to list a few tips on how to keep your dogs healthy, happy and calm:


  1. A well adjusted and well trained dog will be perfectly content to walk alongside you and be part of your 'Pack'.  Dogs need predictability and rules to thrive so its worth establishing the hierachy within your household. Your dog should always be the 'lowest ranking' member in the pack. Thats not to say there isn't a mutual love and respect for each other, just that you (and your family) should be the leaders within your relationship with your dog.

Ways to establish leadership -
-Teach your dog commands and reward them for good behaviour.
-Eat before your dog and avoid giving them treats during your own mealtime.
-Be positive and confident during walks, making sure to praise your dog for good behaviour.
-Take the lead during stressful situations by re-directing your dogs nervous energy to something else (A toy or treat).
-Set boundaries, if your dog has done something wrong (e.g. jumping up) do not react agressively or shout at them, calmly give a verbal sign (Uh-Oh) and wait for your dog to sit or lay down before giving them any attention. Dogs want our attention and are always looking for a reaction from us, let them  know that if they do something well they will get attention and praise, if they do something undesirable they will not get attention and praise.

2. Dogs are social animals and will behave better when they are getting the correct amount of exercise and socialisation. Try to take your dog for atleast 2 walks a day, depending on which breed dog you have these could be 2 x long walks ( 60 - 90 minutes) or 2 x shorter walks ( 20 - 40 minutes). It is a good idea to socialise your dog from a young age so they learn to play well with others. Generally dogs are happy around their own kind and love to walk together. One walk in the morning and one in the afternoon / evening would work best. If you are unable to do this due to work or other commitments think about hiring a dog walker or taking your dog to doggy daycare.

3. Dogs do not like being left alone when there is nothing to occupy their minds, always leave your dogs with something to do whilst you are out. Dog kongs are a good idea, as well as dog puzzle toys. Here are some youtube videos on the benefits of using Kongs to prevent seperation anxiety and destructive behaviour.


  1. As owners we are all responsible for the amount of food that our dogs consume, we need to make sure that our dogs are eating the correct amount of food and are getting the correct nutrients. If you are unsure of how much to feed your dog, you can always check with your registered vet.

2. Dogs love treats and using them as a reward for good behaviour or during training is a great tool to achieve the best results, however, we have to be aware that treats can be calorific and can lead to your dog becoming overweight. Always be aware of how many treats you are giving your dog and go for healthier options wherever possible.

3. Try to resist giving your dogs food off your own plate, this sends them the wrong signals and will cause them to beg for food at every meal time. Dogs need consistancy and should only be eating their own food or treats at mealtimes or during training.


  1. Dogs love to be pampered and a nice massage every now and then can calm your dog down and reduce destructive behaviour. Doggy massages can be done whilst you are watching your favourite TV show or listening to a podcast, your dog wont mind aslong as you are stroking them!. Here is a video on how to do a basic dog massage:

2. Dogs nails naturally get worn down as they walk, which is another reason to be exercising your dogs for the correct amount of time. Every now and then you will notice that your dogs nails have overgrown and need to be cut. I would always suggest getting your dogs nails cut at the vet or by a trained professional. Dogs have nerve endings in the 'quick' which is the base of their nail, if you cut their nails too short it will hurt your dog and cause discomfort until the nail grows back.

3. Your dog may have short or long fur, curly or straight. No matter what type they have you will need to make sure that their fur is taken care of. Your dog may be required to go to a professional groomer regularly, infrequently or not at all. You can buy dog brushes for different fur types (Just like humans can!) to brush short haired dogs yourself and for the interim between grooming appointments for those that require them. Owners should also make sure that their dogs are washed with water and a gentle dog shampoo. Most dogs will not require a bath regularly, perhaps every 3 months, however use your judgement and if your dog begins to smell or has tangled / dirty fur then its time for a bath!

Thank you for reading this post and I hope you found the information helpful or at the very least interesting!

If you are reading this and find yourself thinking about hiring a dog walker or a groomer then please contact me and I can put you in contact with a trusted local groomer or offer you my dog walking services :

[email protected]


Bye Bye For Now!

L x
